In January of 2012, my dear friend (and wonderful photographer), Kateri Likoudis and I traveled to Jamaica, to teach a photography workshop for twelve young men at the Paul Bogle Vocational Training Institute and
Trade School, in Lyssons. We were invited by our friends at The Source Farm Eco Village and Learning Center, who help to supplement the trade school’s formal training with lessons and workshops in sustainability and the arts. Not far from the school, the family that own and operate The Source Farm hosted us at their farm and educational Eco Village in rural St. Thomas.
Everyday for two weeks, Kateri and I went to the school to teach the technical functions of the Kateri Likoudis, basic art and design principles, hold classroom critiques, and take the students into the “field” to practice shooting. When not working hands on during workshop hours, or printing and framing the students’ work for the gallery, we spent our time exploring and photographing colorful Jamaica with our own cameras.
The project became more then just taking photographs. Through our critiques and sharing, emotions seem to unlock, and a new perspective among the students began to manifest. There confidence and authenticity was exploding by the time of our Gallery Show......It was amazing to watch unfold.
For the few months leading up to the trip, after Katery and I created and held several fund raisers to purchase cameras for each of our students, and a quality
photo printer. Later, we donated the cameras to our students at the final gallery opening held to showcase their work, and the printer was left with the school for future use. The final weeks prior to our brief trip were spent creating lesson plans and planning a course of action for what would become an incredibly inspiring, exciting, and eye opening journey for us both.
Images below are a documentation of our project and a view of Jamaica through my eyes.
A little write up about our project in the Jamaica Gleaner can be found here: